Monday, July 20, 2009

Leather in a Prius

 An anecdote:

The other day my friend and I were watching TV when a commercial for a new hybrid car came on.  He says, "I would really like to get that, but they don't make hybrids with leather.  If they had it with leather seats, I would buy it."  I paused for a moment, then remarked something along the lines of, "The cows they would need to make the leather create more emissions and smog than cars do, so that whole 'be green' effort would be kind of lost."

My point:
Some companies have made a big push toward online bill payments, but a lot of times they won't actually send you the bill electronically.  My friend Dina has a Nordstrom's credit card, and she told me that she signed up to pay her bill online, but that she kept forgetting to pay it until she received a courtesy call the day it was due.  She realized, she says, that they were still sending her a paper bill, but that she was expecting an email notification that just never came.  She called Nordstrom's customer service, and they informed her that they are not set up for ebills, though they do push for electronic payments. 

That means they still send out a paper statement every month, even when customers are paying online.  It's worse that they're sending it to people who don't even want the paper, so instead of just posting the bill on the same site that you're paying the bill on, you need a piece of paper to tell you the amount you owe.  So for every customer who pays their bill online, just as many paper bills have to be mailed out.  Madness...

Not to rag on Nordies... I'm a fan, I just think it's silly to create unnecessary waste while claiming to clean up the environment.  So no, Hybrids probably won't come with a leather interior, but for now even if you can pay your bills without paper you may not be able to see your bills without paper.

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