Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Generation Gap: Paper or E-bills

Anytime I get a paper bill, I immediately go online and have my bills sent electronically.  I hate getting bills sent via snail mail.  I just end up posting it on a cork bulletin board and walking by it a million times until I completely forget all about it.  Besides, I trust the constantly updated internet a lot more than I trust the USPS.  People lose mail all the time, "it got lost in the mail" is an inevitable fact of the postal system.  Yet the older generations seem to struggle with this, perhaps because they do not see the point in doing things any differently than they had been for so many years. 

I think my parents are pretty savvy in a lot of ways, but they are stubbornly stuck in their ways when it comes to paying bills online.  They like to have that physical bill, I guess because they don't really trust the internet when it comes to their personal banking.  I have no idea how they can keep track of all those stacks of paper.  It's so daunting to look at that paper mountain... and just think of all those envelopes that need licking (shudder).  Maybe one day they'll catch on and clean up the clutter that overwhelms their countertops.

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